dinsdag 19 februari 2008

ROCKTEK (DC Swallow)

Lucky number thirteen? Or unlucky to others.. you b the judge :p

6 opmerkingen:

Emmanuel zei

Ik BLIJF het herhalen b.i.l, StuBru should hear this stuff.


DC Swallow zei

:) SWEET! (gonna browse their site right now bro, that's a promise!)

Zimbob zei

Schuune loagskes oep deis nummer! Iejl schuune loagskes.

DC Swallow zei

veural de één zeker? in combinatie mej da ander? Thx brovva.
Let's create sum new loagskes then...

Occy zei

like it!

DC Swallow zei

Aaaaah Noccerd!!!
Long time no comment :)
Do so more often plz :p
I'll pay you for it... :p ;-)



DC Swallow